About The Challenge


How to win one of three $1000 Prizes available for each challenge


About intention of the PRIZES

Our intention for introducing cash prizes for the challenges needs to stated very precisely. We believe there core reward for doing the challenges is the challenge itself, plus the personal growth that is the result of going into discomfort. However we wanted to add a small cherry on top as an incentive to journal and share progress from the challenges to help engage the community of fellow participants.

The intention of the cash prizes IS NOT:

  • To push someone into doing a challenge they wouldn't do for the challenge, and it's personal growth aspect, alone
  • To participate in a challenge in a unsafe, reckless or irresponsible way. Being more "hardcore" does not in any way increase the chance of winning the cash prize
  • To make someone feel like they have to finish a challenge they started, even if they don't feel like it
  • To introduce any form of unhealthy competition between participants

If the cash prize has any of the above effects on you do not participate in the challenges.

The intention of the cash prizes IS:

  • Provide a nice cherry on top for someone willing to commit extra time to journal and share their progress
  • Reward creativeness of documenting their challenge
  • A way to give back to the community for helping to crack the code of physical & mental well-being

Any participant sharing their progress in a way not aligned with the intended intention will not be eligible for a cash prize.

How to be ELIGIBLE for a prize?

There will be 3 (three) $1000 prizes per Challenge. To be eligible for the prize one has to share their daily journey on Instagram or Twitter for at least 25 days within the Challenge month with a hashtag chosen for each Challenge. Here are the 3 steps.


1. Join Challenge

Go to the Homepage and press the "Join Challenge" button and follow up the steps until you receive a confirmation email that the Challenge has been joined.


2. Participate

Share their daily journey in video format on Instagram or Twitter for at least 25 days within the Challenge month with a hashtag chosen for each Challenge


3. Send the links

After the Challenge has ended send in the links to your Instagram or Twitter profile or specific videos to [email protected] where the posts can be verified.

How the winners of THREE $1000 PRIZES will be chosen?

Out of all the eligible participants that follow the guidelines above the three winners will be chosen by TheChallenge.org team based on the most well done daily documentation of a given Challenge.

What WILL be taken into consideration:

  • How well someone documents their journey by being creative or descriptive or thorough
  • Being a good sport about doing the challenge, and addressing fellow participants in a respectful way
  • To participate in a challenge in a unsafe, reckless or irresponsible way is a sure way to not become a winner.

What WILL NOT be taken into consideration:

  • Number of social media follows, likes, comments mentions and anything similar.
  • Being more "hardcore" about doing the challenge or doing more then is required.
  • Having a great recording equipment. A regular phone video is sufficient.

Join our newsletter to get informed about the launch
of the first challenge

Frequently asked questions

How do I join a Challenge?
There is a "Join Challenge" button for any active challenge. There will be 12 Challenges per year. You are free to join any time however joining on the first day of a given month is how the game is meant to be played to experience a full month of a given challenge.
How do the monthly $3000 prizes work exactly?
There will be 3 (three) $1000 prizes per Challenge. To be eligible for the prize one has to share their daily journey on Instagram or Twitter for at least 25 days within the Challenge month with a hashtag chosen for each Challenge. Then, After the Challenge has ended send in the links to your Instagram or Twitter profile or specific videos to [email protected] where the posts can be verified. At the end of a Challenge the 3 winners will be chosen by TheChallenge.org team based on the most well done daily documentation (via video, posts with text or other means) of a given Challenge. Numbers of followers, likes, comments on social media etc WILL NOT matter. Read all the requirements here
Is this a non-profit organization?
TheChallenge.Org is a for-knowledge organisation. The organisation is not a typical non-profit. It will have an optional donation model for people wanting to support it and help cover the cost of operations.
Who are the people behind this project?

The project is funded by one investor & founder, Karol Banaszkiewicz, who decided to commit his time & resources in pursuit of a goal to measure how various habits impacts peoples physical & mental health.